Residential Drainage

Residential Drainage

Water Management is very important to keep healthy landscapes thriving, and your residence free of standing or rushing water. Displacing water with the proper drainage system is an efficient and cost effective way to manage rain water, and run-off. Poor drainage can kill trees and shrubs, destroy lush green lawns, and cause problems with home foundations and structures.

Sprinkler Logic is keenly aware of the problems poorly drained soils can present with years of proven success working in sensitive conditions sustainably. Standing water, mossy grass, muddy soils, red thread fungus and algae are just some evidence of poorly drained soils. Areas not properly drained can breed insects, create unsightly, non-useable areas, destroy landscapes, increase exposure to invasive plant species, encourage toxic soil percolation and undermine irrigated efforts.

California Water Conservation Rebates

Our philosophy on correcting drainage problems is simple:

  • Understand the problem thoroughly.
  • Have a clear understanding about the client’s design objectives.
  • Know that the system will meet or exceed these objectives.

At Sprinkler Logic we don’t rely on trial and error methods. We know beforehand how effective our systems will be and you won’t have any surprises. With our years of experience, you can be sure we’re serious about correcting your drainage problems. Some of the problems we routinely correct are:

  • Water intrusion issues: home, garage or other structures.
  • Ponding water: on patio, in backyard, along fence.
  • Soggy soil: in backyards, along sides of house.
  • Grading issues: Improper slab exposure, yard sloping towards house.

Sprinkler Logic has a wide variety of drainage options for dewatering stubborn soils, groundwater seep, developing retention/detention ponds and mitigating surface or building run off.

(916) 473-1589

If you are experiencing drainage issues, call us today! Let our highly trained, knowledgeable technicians help you find the perfect to solution to your drainage problems to help keep your landscape healthy and beautiful! Call us today for a free estimate!!